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Showing posts from April 19, 2015

Madonna among the most powerful American stars 50+.

According to  Now It Counts ā€˜s poll,  Madonna  is among the most powerful American stars 50+. 15 Madonna There is only one ā€œQueen of Popā€ and, Madonna, with her latest chart-toppingā€”and bestā€”album in more than a decade; Rebel Heart (and world tour) has once again proven why sheā€™s maintained her status as the single-most talked-about pop star in our midst. Her vocals and songwriting on the new album have benefitted from her maturity. Thereā€™s no stopping this womanā€”thank goodness. We canā€™t even imagine a world without Madonna. Read more:  NIC .

Ask Madonna Anything, Sandra Bernhard, Lil Wayne, Jaden Smith and moreā€¦

Saturday Night Online Presents Ask Anything with Madonna Madonna will be sitting down to answer your questions! Get registered and submit your questions now for this exclusive event at . Donā€™t forget to visit on Saturday May 2nd, 2015 at 8pm EST to see if your questions get answered! Sandra Bernhard: Madonna kissing Drake was so funky Sandra Bernhard was a guest on ā€œThe Wendy Williams showā€ where she gave her opinion on her one-time friend Madonna kissing Drake at Coachellaā€¦ Itā€™s so funky. Iā€™m provocative, hopefully in an intelligent way, where itā€™s layered and where I wanna talk about things that matter. That was too much for my nerves. I donā€™t like kissing strangersā€¦ the breath, the saliva, the gum diseaseā€¦ I donā€™t wanna know about it. It makes me sick. Madonnaā€™s one of the most powerful US stars over 50 According to  NowItCounts ā€˜ 2015 poll, Madonna has been named among the most powerful US stars over 50. ...

Madonna - VOGUE Outtakes.

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The Making of Madonnaā€™s First Album Cover

Carin Goldberg ā€” the art director behind Madonnaā€™s debut album cover ā€” spoke to  the Cut  about her first experience with the then-unknown pop star. Itā€™s the first question that anybody asks me, even today: What was it like to work with Madonna? People think that maybe something dramatic or interesting or kind of wild might have happened, based on, you know, Madonnaā€™s persona. But I would say that Madonna was probably the easiest job I ever had ā€” the most cooperation from a recording artist I think I ever had. She was a true professional, even at that young age. It was ā€™83, and at that point I had my own small design firm. Warner Bros. called and asked me to do her cover as a freelance designer. When I got the call, I rolled my eyes, because it was another [musician with a] one-word name. At that time it had become clichĆ© to have a one-word name, because of Cher, so I remember thinking, God, itā€™s going to be one of those. So I really went into it with very little expec...

2015 : Cosmopolitan (Ellen Von Unwerth) New Picture Added - CLEAN FRONT COVER

                    ā™¦      ā™¦      ā™¦               ā™¦      ā™¦      ā™¦          VIDEO: Behind the scenes                                 Share: