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Showing posts from May 14, 2017


Madonna In Bloom Circe at Her Loom Roll Over, Ulysses, sheā€™s at it again: winking, beckoning, scandalizing with her new film Truth or Dare, and making one or two points on the way So they stood at the outer gate of the fair-tressed goddess, and within they heard Circe singing in a sweet voice, as she fared to and fro before the great web imperishable, such as is the handiwork of goddesses They cried aloud and called to her. And straightway she came forth and opened the shining doors and bade them in, and all went with her in their heedlessness . . . Now when she had given them the cup and they had drunk it off, presently she smote them with a wand, and in the sties of swine she penned them. So they had the head and voice, and bristles and shape of swine, but their mind abode even as of old. ā€“ Homer, the Odyssey Beyond the black steel spikes, tall forbidding trees and gimlet eye of a surveillance camera repairs this modern Circe: Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. The air is per...

May 15, 2015 // Madonna Dyes Her Hair Pink, Debuts New Locks on Instagram RISE AND SHINE NEW YORK!