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Showing posts from November 3, 2013

Lady Gaga admits she hoped she would 'p*** off Madonna' as she discusses queen of pop using her song on stage

They have had a rather tempestuous relationship ever since Lady Gaga burst on the music scene in 2008 and was instantly compared to the queen of pop - Madonna. But it seems the younger pop star, Gaga, isnā€™t too concerned about the conflict between the pair, in fact she seems to rather relish in it. Speaking to  Attitude  magazine about Madonna performing a mash up of Born This Way and her own song Express Yourself while touring last year, the 27-year-old admitted: ā€˜I've basically been hoping that I would become so good that one day I would p*** off Madonna!ā€™ Not bothered: Lady Gaga has admitted that she had hoped to one day be good enough to annoy the queen of pop Madonna Making a point: Madonna used Born This Way in a mash up with her song Express Yourself while on stage When Born This Way was released in 2011, many accused Gaga of emulating Madonnaā€™s 1989 hit Express Yourself a little too much.   More... 'It's highly inappropriate': Eyew...