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Madonna returns to Twitter and hosts first #ArtForFreedom Live Art Curation

Madonna recently changed her Twitter name to Madonna and got verified.
This wasn’t just a coincidence, as she finally returned to Twitter today to host a ‘live art curation’ accepting and providing input on artistic submissions for the #ArtForFreedom movement.

Here’s an overview of what went on…
i want to wake up with these two slogans written on my arms every morning.

in reply to @RinoTheBouncer:
RinoTheBouncer ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
I chose this photograph because if you are not awake nothing else matters. nice.

in reply to @Maggo1Maggie:
everyone wake up #artforfreedom @madonna lets change the world together

Maggo1Maggie ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
i love this submission – first and foremost to me dance is freedom and dancers are the athletes of the gods….

in reply to @ofirlavie:
ofirlavie ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
A concept we all need to remember, we wouldn’t judge each other so much if we practiced this daily

in reply to @NINOMAZA:
Try walking in my shoes

NINOMAZA ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
wow. thats amazing. i loved this. truthful, raw authentic. great writing, can totally relate.
the kind of art that leads to freedom because its about examining yourself. selfawareness.

in reply to @getunconscious:
Right on – erase hate! Haters go away

in reply to @glyf01:
glyf01 ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
it takes two to open a door

in reply to @INRJMUSIC:
INRJMUSIC ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
Happiness lies in our own hands

in reply to @Jean_Mago:
Jean_Mago ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
this is cool so many ways to say it. but it means the same thing in every language. we want to be free in every language.
the universal language of freedom

in reply to @runaway_lover:
runaway_lover ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
there’s a lot of pain in that poem i like i love it it’s great

in reply to @stephnz:
stephnz ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
i love it but why are there chains around the hands. take the chains off then its a perfect picture

in reply to @ALEXA31:

ALEXA31 ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
I couldnt agree with this more freedom is not defined by how we look or how we dress being naked has nothing to do with freedom

in reply to @born2hareb:
born2hareb ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
knowledge is power part of the revolution of love is to make sure that everybody has the chance to be educated

in reply to @Rosette__:
Rosette__ ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
There is definelty needs to be a revolution in Russia – let’s start by getting Pussy Riot out of jail
this is a film Putin should watch- clearly it’s about the intolerance going in Russia, which is shocking to to witness in the 21st century.

in reply to @EliasKoskimies:
I’m ready to start a revolution. I’ve Only Just Begun

dont see….feel. what we see is often an illusion we would be better off if we were all blind

in reply to @GabrielEHR:
See no sexual preference, see no skin color, see no religion, see no gender, just see…

GabrielEHR ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
this is the problem with religion it perpetuates the acceptance of dogma and does not encourage questions.
we cannot have a relationship with G*D unless we are encouraged to ask questions

in reply to @d_nantais:
Freedom is rejecting dogma & asking questions #artforfreedom #imagine the possibilities

d_nantais ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
you are more stronger without violence but a kiss with a fist is not good for your self esteem or your teeth

in reply to @cristianpalacio:
i’m more stronger than your punches,love is perfect without violence.

cristianpalacio ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
join the club

in reply to @madonnalexnet:
I am still full of fears. Fear of not finding love. Fear of not finding freedom

madonnalexnet ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
We are all imprisoned by our belief system, if you are a slave to needing someones approval then you are in a prison

in reply to @afabulous50:
afabulous50 ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
thank you for making the effort to come and see it

in reply to @amarisinparis:
Watched #artforfreedom at the MOMA, its stayed with me ever since.

amarisinparis ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
for me the people that came to watch the guerilla projections are the real soldiers its easy to sit in your room and watch your computer
religion can be darkness when it separates people or when it teaches people to think in a fragmented way

in reply to @iStickyandSweet:
God is pure love, religion is darkness.

iStickyandSweet ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
truth in the package of a pretty picture. truth tied up with a pretty bow

in reply to @call_me_indigo:
Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.

call_me_indigo ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
this art is no joke i love this

in reply to @Arzola_d:
Don’t Attack what you Don’t Understand

Arzola_d ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
What happened in Detroit is what happened in America It started off with so much promise and now its a graveyard@CityofDetroit
…dug up by greed. Its time for a renaissance lets bring back the motor city lets bring back democracy@CityofDetroit
discrimination and hatred is ugly lets rise above

in reply to @allsanchezz:
allsanchezz ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
thanks for coming you are my soldiers

in reply to @nibigermany:
On tour to see #secretprojectrevolution in Berlin. Unforgettable & intense night <3 #artforfreedom THANK YOU

nibigermany ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
when you know a person there will be no differences. knowledge is power. knowledge is part of the revolution of love.

in reply to @CELESTEMDNA:

CELESTEMDNA ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
fear equals limitations never think in a limited way never give into your fear. be fearless
are you willing to die for what you believe in

in reply to @:
 ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
suck it up baby thats life don’t be a victim

in reply to @MadonnaMyLuv:
By a hurt person, ppl sometime cannot see…

MadonnaMyLuv ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
This is my favorite submission so far- where there is the greatest amount of darkness there is the greatest amount of light

in reply to @montalvo_d:
lets all hold hands and pray maybe we will find the answer

in reply to @mjwc97KILLS:
mjwc97KILLS ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
im listening and so is everyone on twitter right now

in reply to @mg_designer:
The poor communities have to be heard to see a better future

mg_designer ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
theres no such thing as the first world. there is just one world.

in reply to @brunamariano:
brunamariano ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
theres no such thing as the first world. there is just one world.
there are only people who are part of the problem and people who are part of the solution

in reply to @:
Madonna your revolution is just for the first world? and brazil? other places? #ArtForFreedom /////

 ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
i like this – this could be the cover of my new record i’m about to release – how much do you want for it?
just kidding secretprojectrevolution took up all my free time but i am strumming my ukuele as i type

in reply to @Hollywood1984:
Hollywood1984 ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
yes thats true all discrimination and prejudice is a manifestation of fear

in reply to @AffableSplendor:
‘Freedom from fear’ could be said to sum up the whole philosophy of human rights.

AffableSplendor ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
start to love one person unconditionally and learn to spell my name correctly. but i still love you

in reply to @Thma_F:
What can your real soldiers do for you now ? Come on, tell us. We’re ready to change the world.
yes you are blessed never forget it

in reply to @Dita10:
Your London soldiers expressing theirselves we are blessed we have the freedom

Dita10 ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
a perfect revolution im flying the first plane

in reply to @SrCarlosArriaga:
a dreamed bombing, I’m all for it

SrCarlosArriaga ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
yes it all starts with intention. why do you want to be free? what will you do with your freedom?

in reply to @ThePastryarch:
BRAINWASHING-disconnection in society &the illusions were fed. Freedom =free thinking& good intentions

ThePastryarch ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
maybe Putin is gay maybe that’s the problem

in reply to @AdrianAndShane:
Mr. Gorbachev, tear off those clothes!

AdrianAndShane ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
so many people sending great submissions. Im really impressed with the effort people are making.
wish i had time to see it all but this is how we start a revolution. lets win this war with love. ART FOR FREEDOM

in reply to @MDNAMafia:
There are people who are putting a lot of efforts in here and will never get noticed… Just saying #ArtForFreedom
i love this, this one put a smile on my face

in reply to @jonkutlu:
my path to freedom really started with you

jonkutlu ArtForFreedom - Madonna Twitter Live Art Curation
thanks everyone. im going to walk out of this room with a smile on my face. keep sending submissions to


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