Training Madonna proved so lucrative for Tracy Anderson that the fitness expert eventually became a celebrity in her own right. Now it seems that the 54-year-old pop queen's new personal trainer, New York-based Nicole Winhoffer, is headed in the same direction. The professional dancer, who has been working with Madonna since 2009, which is around the same time that the singer allegedly dumped Ms Anderson, is releasing a range of workout DVDs in collaboration with her superstar client. New talent: Madonna's new personal trainer Nicole Winh New talent: Madonna's new personal trainer Nicole Winhoffer (above) is headed for stardom, releasing a series of workout DVDs with the mega star. The New York-based dancer began working with Madonna in 2009 Titled Addicted To Sweat, the DVDs feature dance moves that Madonna is currently showing on her world tour including the Drop Down, the Hop Forward and the Ride The Horse. Each move on the four-disc set requir...