The movie was directed by Guy Ritchie, who’s both the Material Mom’s husband [at the time of report] and the rough-and-tumble British filmmaker behind the nearly incomprehensible yet well-received import hits “Snatch” and “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.” The film stars Madonna as a snobby socialite who is shown the error of her ways by a handsome stranger (newcomer Adriano Giannini) when the pair are marooned together on a small island. It’s the second time Madonna’s worked with her current husband (Ritchie helmed the controversial video for “What It Feels Like for a Girl”) and the second time she’s made a film with a spouse. “Shanghai Surprise,” the 1986 movie in which she co-starred with then-husband Sean Penn, like most of Madonna’s ventures into Hollywood, was a critical and commercial failure, though she did win accolades 10 years later for her starring role in “Evita.” At one point titled “Love, Sex, Drugs and Death,” “Swept Away” was ...