Ooo someone's been naughty on the set of Madonna's new music video!
Mz. Madge may have to provide a thorough spankin' with that leather horse crop of hers! LOLz!
One of Her Madgesty's backup dancers Sheik Mondesir posted a pic from Madonna's BRAND NEW music video on instagram, along with caption:
"Over time on the #StevenKlein & #GovanniBianco set…. #History
So obviously with two genius minds orchestrating the whole thing, this vid is going to be just as epic as so many of Queen Madge's others!
Just to give you a taste of the delectable visuals you are about to indulge in…
Think dilapidation, smoke and blood stained walls, a rusted old bathtub, and of course, there be crosses everywhere!
Take a peek into Madonna's forthcoming video …AFTER THE JUMP!
"Over time on the #StevenKlein & #GovanniBianco set…. #History
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